Tips for Success: Successful Assessor Training

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Life as an assessor can seem like a challenge, especially when you are new to this role.

Before you send your assessors out into the field, you need to make sure that they have the best chance of success.

So what do you need to consider?

Firstly, let’s take stock of what we want to achieve

An organisation’s competency system works well when the assessors really understand the assessment process and they have the confidence to assess people.

To succeed, your assessors need to understand the role of the assessor, the assessment process and how to judge whether someone is competent or not yet competent. They need to understand that they are not acting in anyone’s interest if they sign people off when they are not yet competent.

And just as importantly, your assessors need to know how to record the evidence.

Here we will look briefly at the main areas to help you get your assessor training right and your competency management system implemented effectively.

Tip One

In training your assessors, you need to make sure that the training is centered on your own assessment process. The best way to do this is to build in your own organisation’s assessment paperwork and process into the training.

Tip Two

Successful Assessor Training

Like any training, making the training as practical as possible will help your assessors understand what assessment is all about. it will help your assessors feel more confident to start assessing once back in their workplace

Tip Three

Giving feedback can be tough, especially for less experience assessors, and by covering this area you will enable them to deal with the most difficult situations when they get back to their workplace. Do not assume that your assessors know how to give feedback or are comfortable with difficult conversations.

Tip Four

Successful Assessor Training

Consider a practical assignment for assessors to complete back at the workplace. Asking your assessors to assess two people, using your paperwork and writing a short report on what worked is a good way to help transfer the learning back to the workplace.

Tip Five

Assessor guidelines are a simple and effective tool that you can put in place for your assessors to use after their training. The goal is to provide a guide to your assessors on what you expect them to do, how to do this and when.

What About Qualification Options and Delivery Methods?

There are a number of accredited options for you to consider, if you need a qualification for the assessors. You are best to check what is required by your clients or your industry bodies.

If you do not require accreditation, you can consider providing training only or training followed by an in-house assignment to check the competence of your assessors.

In our experience, it is very important to build in some form of review process once the initial assessor training is completed. For this reason, we generally encourage our clients to think about the opportunity for the assessors to do some assessments and receive feedback after the training is completed so that you can be confident that they have really understood what they learnt in training.

Successful Assessor Training

It Is All About Buy-In

The success of your organisation’s competency management system is very dependent on the degree that your assessors buy-in, firstly, to your competency management system and secondly, to what is required of them in their role as assessors.

So whatever approach you adopt, it will be important that you are clear in your communications with your assessors, that your assessors understand the importance of their role and that you support your assessors after their training.

Please Get In Touch If You Need Any Help

Get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss by emailing us at [email protected] or giving us a call on +44 (0)1651 873398

For more information on assessor training and qualifications, visit our website:

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