The Strength Deployment Inventory – You and Your Team

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Digging deeper into what drives you and your impact on others

  • What impact do I have on those around me?
  • How can I affect the motivation of my colleagues and my team?
  • How do I make the most of my resources?
  • How can I better deal with conflict and difficult conversations?

Focusing on ourselves

For most of us, whether in a leadership role or not, we are not usually fully aware of what motivates us, what makes us feel valued, how this impacts on how we think and behave, and what happens when we feel stressed or in conflict.

The Strength Deployment Inventory provides those insights and helps us on the way to being much more effective, engaging leaders. In addition, understanding how our thoughts and therefore behaviours impact on others around us, and understanding how we can change when we feel stressed or in conflict helps build our leadership capabilities and out confidence.

With this insight, you can begin to:

  • Recognise how you are feeling and understand how this will impact your behaviour
  • Understand how your behaviour is likely to impact those around you
  • Acknowledge how you can change when stressed or under conflict and think about what steps you can take to modify your behaviour

Focusing on our team members

Once you have this personal insight, you can modify your own business and also become aware of what might be behind the behaviours of your team members or your colleagues.

You will be more conscious that everyone has different motivations and values, that everyone behaves differently when things are not going well and as a result, you can start to think about what you can do to:

  • Understand your team so that you know how best to communicate with them to motivate them to perform
  • Support your team members with tasks or situations that you know they might not be comfortable with
  • Help motivate and engage them to excel by understanding what they value
  • Help them pull together as a team with the knowledge that different people have different strengths and also different coping mechanisms

Maximising your ability to lead a high performing team

Whether we are working with you in a 1 to 1 coaching relationship, or we are taking your through a leadership development programme, we will work with you to apply this insight to help you:

  • Develop more effective ways to communicate with different people and achieve a win-win result
  • Understand what you can do to build more productive relationships and better achieve shared goals
  • Act to motivate your team members and build a team the excels
  • Improve your ability to minimise conflict, deal with conflict or cope with difficult situations and conversations, improving your effectiveness as a leader and team leader
  • Manage your own resources and impact

If you would like to find out more about the Strength Deployment Inventory, please visit our website at:

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