Do Your Managers Understand What Their Teams Need From Them?

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Do your managers understand what their teams need from them? 

For people to perform their work properly, they will need good information from their manager about the job in hand:

  • Clarify my job and the results I’m expected to achieve
  • Give me the resources and opportunity to perform
  • Let me know how I’m getting on
  • Give me guidance and training when I need it
  • Reward me according to my contribution

Your teams need regular feedback in order to succeed.

This works for technical and leadership competencies and objectives.

Where does the evidence come from? Look at the job role and go back to the facts. What feedback are they receiving from customers? What were the results of the employee survey for their area of responsibility? Are production targets being met? Are maintenance issues at the level required? What are the results from inspection logs or audit reports?

Performance management is not just about what happens in the appraisal meeting once or twice a year.

It is also about the day to day management of teams. Your managers need to be looking at their team’s performance, feeding back where necessary and readjusting the work where needed. This is a daily job and core to the manager role.

To find out more about our other top tips to make performance management work for you visit and don’t forget that we have a webinar on the 21st of November at 11:00 am (UK time) on this topic! Register here:

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