Critical Thinking During the Coronavirus Challenge
We have written about critical thinking at Polaris Learning before, as it is something so relevant to everyone that we work with, regardless of their role. Yet just now as we all adjust to the challenge of coronavirus, critical thinking becomes more important, yet harder to do, whether you are a supervisor, manager, senior manager or a team member. Consequently, human error is also more likely to creep in.
Why is this?
Our ability to think clearly or use critical thinking in our decision making usually reduces under times of pressure or stress, and this is the situation facing all of us just now.
Whatever your personal circumstances, your pressure and anxiety has probably increased.
For people still able to, or having to attend the workplace, it can feel like a very different place, and not as safe. There are new processes and procedures to adapt to, probably fewer people to cover the same amount of work or possibly a greater workload and there may be the need to take on new responsibility that you may not feel trained or competent to do.
Now more than ever, some of our previous pointers on critical thinking become very relevant and worth revisiting, even if we only have time to think about them for a few minutes.
Not everything will feel applicable just now and some points might feel like a luxury that we simply cannot spend time on but taking a few minutes to reflect can probably still be worthwhile.
Take care.