Assessment and Verification Best Practice Webinar

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Join us for our free webinar: Assessment and Verification Best Practice – the Top Questions That Our Clients Ask Us

This webinar is built around the questions that we are frequently asked about assessment and verification best practise. This may be clients who are just starting to look at assessment or competency management or equally from clients who have systems in place but they want to achieve better results or make their approach more efficient or effective.

The topics are:

• How often should you re-assess?
• Do assessors and verifiers need refresher training?
• Do you need technical verifiers?
• Can you split the verifier role between technical and non-technical?
• What ratios do we need between assessors and verifiers?
• Do we need qualifications for assessors and verifiers?
• Should one approach fit all in the business or different approaches for different sections?
• What is the balance between tick box and too much writing?
• What is best practice in evidence gathering and recording?

As well as:
• My CMS is not moving forward, nothing is being assessed, what do I do?
• This is our 3rd attempt at a CMS and it never works. Is this normal?
• Does a CMS need to be tailored to my company or do off the shelf really work?
• How do we move from paper based to online?
• How do we get results?

Join us on the 5th December at 11am (UK) by registering here:

If you have any questions that you would also like us to cover, please let us know.

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