3 lessons that can help you keep on the right path with your competency management system (offline and online)

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Over the last 23 years, we have seen first hand what works and what does not work with competency management. 

Unfortunately, getting your competency management system wrong can at worst not reduce your organisation’s risk and at best mean you end up with a competency management system that is not being used well, is seen as a compliance issue that has to be raced through or a system that keeps being changed.

To avoid this, there are 3 key things that you should consider:

Build on Paper First and Test It

Build your competency management system on paper first before moving it online.  This should include your content as well as your governance.  You do not need to build up the whole system but you do need to build the framework and the governance before piloting the competency management system for a few key positions.

As part of this, include the job holder, assessor and verifier roles. 

Build up the Governance Model

Governance is focusing on everything that is within the competency management system to make sure that your competency management system achieves what it needs to achieve  and how you manage the competency management system moving forward.

Manage and Resource the Data Migration

Unfortunately, garbage in = garbage out is a reality when it comes to online competency management systems.

Plan carefully how you are going to manage data migration if you have to move data from an existing system.  Often the data migration is from a large number of detailed spreadsheets.  Losing or mixing up data, or including spelling mistakes, for example, will create a lot of work later on to sort out.

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